We are grateful to the environment, for the wonderful fruits that nature gives us, whose seeds are the heart of our blends. Cokito has been committed, since its foundation, to environmental issues and social programs related to sustainability and the protection of the territory.
Every choice of Cokito is dictated
by the commitment undertaken to guarantee
sustainable development, able
to protect the environment,
the territory and the people.

We are committed to promoting numerous initiatives for the cultural development of the area, such as the 2018 project "In Viaggio Con Gusto". People who feed on external stimuli and inspirations and who every day look for off-the-beaten-path roads to give voice to the beautiful landscapes that surround us here in Southern Italy. 12 stages in 3 southern regions, between Calabria, Basilicata and Puglia. 1,759 km covered to enclose the concept of beauty linked to taste in 12 shots.
A unique journey of discovery
of faces, works and landscapes,
of our beloved land of the South.

Cokito has always placed people at the center of its world.
We are committed daily to promoting and realizing events,
contests and many other activities, such as in the “Cokito Selfie Contest” project.
The purpose is to support
social and economic development
of local communities.

As a sign of gratitude to the many admirers, Cokito Caffè is committed
in solidarity and humanitarian projects. As in sport, which is fun and physical activity,
founded on sound principles and great values.
That's why Cokito Caffè
it started a long time ago
to support, still supporting him,
sport in Calabria and Basilicata
at an amateur, youth and competitive level.

This project was born in 2020, a year that marked the lives of all of us,
designed to reduce distances in a moment of great difficulty.
Cokito Coffee Cooking refers to the passion of the founder, who already 30 years ago,
it combined the art of cooking with that of coffee.
These preparations have
as different protagonists
products of our wonderful territory,
enhanced by cokito coffee
which gives uniqueness to even the simplest dishes.

An unedited cocktail proposal born with the 2022 calendar, is called Cokito
in Good Spirits, and as the name implies, these are twelve drinks that unite
coffee to distillates through the art of mixed drinking. In these years the use of coffee
turned out to be very versatile in its use, it is no longer just the breakfast ritual,
at the end of a meal, or to enjoy a break.
Both powder and liquid are perfect
to cook sweet and savory recipes
or to prepare excellent cocktails.

This project places the emphasis on hands, the hands of all operators in the supply chain
make coffee. From the hand of those who cultivate distant lands to that of those who only harvest
the ripe fruits. From the hand of those who transform glittering cherries into splendid ones
beans to that of us roasters who mix and roast them. Finally, the hand
of the bartender, who is the last artist and puts his signature on the painting.
Details always do
the difference, small tricks
which make the final act unique.