The recipes

Recommended coffee
Cokito Gourmet Blend Class 1985
Karnak risotto from the Sibari plain with cheese, pepper and Rocca Imperiale IGP lemon, under a blanket of Senise pepper powder, Stigliano pistachio and Cokito coffee
80 g Karnak rice; 30 g Parmesan; 30 g Butter; extra virgin olive oil to taste; Salt and pepper to taste For the powders: 1 grated IGP Rocca Imperiale lemon; 5 gr Minced bran pepper; 5 g chopped pistachio; 10 g Coffee powder.
Put a pan with salted water on the fire and bring to a boil. Meanwhile, in another saucepan, pour the oil and toast the Karnak rice. Pour boiling water over the rice (cover it with at least 3 inches of water) and cook over low heat for 14 minutes. Once cooked, turn off the heat and stir in the butter, parmesan and pepper. Pour the well creamed rice into a dish, sprinkle with the powders and plenty of grated lemon.